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Grosz Heartfield 1945 Letter.
George Grosz Writes To His Dada Collaborator & Lifelong Friend.

In 1945, George Grosz wrote the following letter to John Heartfield.

“Dear old John, […] It was good to hear from you and to know that you are still alive and busy, as in the old days as a “Monteur” – remember? – when you always had paper and newspapers sticking out of your pockets, just as one would expect a photomontage artist to look. And many thanks, too, for remembering my fiftieth birthday. […] At a time when friendships are rare and everyone has to look after themselves, I was deeply touched by your friendship. It is good that our friendship has not be destroyed by political moths. Sometimes I feel very depressed when I look at the émigré newspapers and see how the various groups are fighting each other. It is somehow my fate or perhaps my nature I must remain a “lone wolf” (sorry, that sounds a bit romantic but you know what I mean). […] I am glad that the horrific nightmare of the Hitler régime is coming to an end. What the future will bring us (apart from death) nobody knows. […] I am more skeptical than optimistic. […] Wiel (Wieland Herzfelde) showed me a beautiful collection of your photomontages […] what a shame that modern magazines don’t print photomontages. Nevertheless, I often thought there were better opportunities for them in the U.S.A. than in rather conservative England. It’s a shame that your talents are not properly recognized in Europe. […] Wiel is not really as fat as [Stefan] Heym described him, let’s say he is a little plump, although as always full of vigor. […] He is proud of his new Aurora-Verlag; it’s like 30 years ago: the entire company in one room […]”

Konrad Farner publishes John Heartfield, Photomonteagen zur Zeitgeschichte (John Heartfield, Photomontages on Contemporary History) in Zurich, 1945.

Professor John J Heartfield is John Heartfield’s paternal grandson. He gives live interactive presentations around the world that focus on his grandfather’s life and work and modern political art. Please write to him to request his presence at your event or ask any question. He is always pleased to hear from exhibition visitors.

Grosz Heartfield 1945 letter display by John Heartfield grandson, John Heartfield, Curator Official John Heartfield Exhibition