Heartfield Powerful Art Inspires. Presentations & Exhibits. Historic & Current Media Stands Up To Spin.

John Heartfield Powerful Art Inspires
Presentations & Exhibits

The warnings against fascism, bigotry, and ignorance brilliantly pasted together in John Heartfield powerful art photo montages could easily appear on magazines covers and web pages as if they were created yesterday to address the behavior of many politicians today.


DADA WORLD FAIR Dada Art and Events happened in San Francisco November 3-13, 2016. View video of the curator’s presentation on Art & Politics – Politics & Art in The Collage Museum. San Francisco’s City Lights Bookstore was sponsored The Dada World Fair 2016.

Peace Cross Installation A 2016 Austrian Political Art Event. A metal and fabric version of the Heartfield collage Deutsche Eichlen permanently installed directly in front of a Nazi war memorial. Artists and historians supported by Austrian government officials. View and read the inspiring story of Mahnmal Friedenkreuz St. Lorenz.


Organizations and venues worldwide have invited Professor John J Heartfield to address their audiences about politics, art, and his grandfather’s dedication to his essential work. Below is a partial list. If you’re is interested, please Write to Professor Heartfield.

Association of Jewish Refugees Presentation – 2022

Inside The Magnetic Fields: Surrealism at 100 – 2019


Winston Smith and John J Heartfield In London – 2018



Same Actions – Different Faces
John Heartfield collages seem like comments on current events rather than warnings from when 20th century fascism was on the rise. He shows us war and misery result when politicians are for sale. The world needs John Heartfield’s art more than ever.

Powerful Artists Reveal Art Collage, Writing, Video, Music, & New Media by contemporary artists inspired by the life and work of John Heartfield. These artists have the courage to challenge authority and experiment with new form of expression.

David King Exhibition The late David King was a great friend of the John Heartfield Exhibition. This section highlights text and the images in David’s fantastic book, John Heartfield, Laughter Is A Devastating Weapon. When he passed, David donated his remarkable Heartfield collection to the Tate Modern London. However, no mention of John Heartfield is currently available on the Tate’s website. The curator encourages everyone to write to the Tate Modern and inquire about the status of this collection.


The Heartfield Exhibition Shop offers the highest-quality posters, t-shirts, and mugs. We’re always expanding our selection and products. We’re currently adding merchandise featuring images from the new REVEAL ART section. Profits from the shop go towards improving and expanding your experience on our website. Write To Us if you’re looking for a particular image or item.

Powerful Art Doesn’t Pivot.
Powerful Art Isn’t Words On A Teleprompter.
Powerful Art Stay With You Long After The Spin.
Help Us Present More Artists Taking Action.

The Official John Heartfield Exhibition is a Political Art Museum that displays Art As A Weapon against bigotry, ignorance, and senseless war.Write To The Curator to contribute your talent (of any kind) to The John Heartfield Exhibition.

[Powerful works of political art…] extend beyond political current events, allowing the viewer to develop his thoughts, imagination, and sensual perceptiveness. The fact that the current political trend has not faded is assured by reality itself, which tries even nowadays to live up to the satirical montages in a violent and impertinent manner.
Excerpt From The Essay 'On The Subject' by Peter Pachnicke and Kalus Honnef in John Heartfield (ABRAMS)
Excerpt From The Essay 'On The Subject' by Peter Pachnicke and Kalus Honnef in John Heartfield (ABRAMS)

Powerful Art Doesn’t Pivot

We heard countless words during the 2016 United States presidential election.
We heard Donald Trump say things that had never been said before by someone hoping to be the most powerful person in the world. Ugly things. The very next day, we were told he would “pivot” in order to present himself as a reasonable acceptable leader. This “pivot” consisted of Trump poorly reading words on a teleprompter that were written by political hacks.
Hillary Clinton may have been the most qualified person ever to run for the presidency. She tried to appear as a heroine of the people. Just as quickly, the media portrayed her as a bumbling threat to US national security because she used a private email server.
Before the U.S. election, the disastrous Brexit passed in the UK because many people were convinced that Brexit meant that immigrants would have to “exit” Britain. In France, propaganda is leading to the rise of the extreme right-wing.
Propaganda is the art of using lies to convince someone or some group of people that something very bad for them is actually very good for them.
The most powerful political art reveals the truth behind propaganda. Powerful art doesn’t pivot. Powerful art explores new techniques to reveal art as an ever-changing landscape.
In a real sense, all John Heartfield art was “Art As A Weapon.” He embraced Dada to rebel against portraits and landscape. Dada was a weapon against the art Dadaists felt cooperated with the corruption of the Weimar Republic. His book covers rebelled against the concept of a meaningless book dust jacket. His use of “art as a weapon” against fascism, Adolf Hitler, and The Third Reich earned him the number-five position on the Gestapo’s Most Wanted List.
CURRENT EXHIBITS presents more art that reveals the lies behind the propaganda. Art by contemporary artists who find inspiration in the work of John Heartfield. Art that takes risks. Art that doesn’t pivot, but remains true to the courage of the artist.


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