Artists Fight Fake News. Reveal Art On The John Heartfield Exhibition, A Powerful Art Museum. Images That Don’t Pivot! Remember History To Save America From Fascism.

Powerful Art Doesn’t Pivot!

Artists Fight Fake News. Reveal Art Collage Is The Real News.

"Only I Can Fix It!" Donald Trump

Dictators and demagogues throughout history have made the same claim: "Only I Can Fix It!"

Candidate Trump didn't need to pay to say it in commercials. Television news showed him making this dangerous statement (and many others) again and again. Why? Because ratings and circulation went up whenever Trump said something outrageous or ridiculous.

John Heartfield used "art as a weapon" against Hitler to show how in some way money is always the way an egomaniac gets his message out.

June 2013: Trump wonders if Putin will be his

June 2013: Trump wonders if Putin will be his "new best friend"

Can you name the growing list of names linking the Trump Campaign and the Trump Administration to Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin?

The helpful stencil art U.S.S.A. created by David King is all you really need to know.

Find more powerful art that doesn't pivot in the Reveal Art exhibit.

Trivial Fights Are Behind Us - Obvious Lies Remain Ahead

Trivial Fights Are Behind Us - Obvious Lies Remain Ahead

"He became President of the United States in that moment, period." CNN's Van Jones, longtime critic of Trump's racist comments.
"Donald Trump did indeed become presidential tonight, and I think we'll see that reflected in a higher approval rating." Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky who "couldn't support Trump" when the Republican candidate bragged about his celebrity license to grab women's genitals.
“The President of the United States, delivering an important, powerful speech. His tone clearly different than the speech he delivered at the inauguration.” CNN's Wolf Blitzer

Powerful Art Doesn't Pivot!
Winston Smith knows If you don't admire Trump or can't do something for him, he has no use for you. Artists who Reveal Art know Trump didn't become another man because he was able to read a speech someone wrote for him.

As It Was In The Middle Ages ... Except Now It's <em>All</em> About Money

As It Was In The Middle Ages ... Except Now It's All About Money

On Feb. 25, 2015, U.S. Republican Senator Jim Inhofe from the oil-rich state of Oklahoma dismissed climate change science claims once and for all. Ninety-nine percent of global climate science eggheads have warned heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere would lead to global starvation, mass migration, cities underwater, and war. Ridiculous! Sen. Inhofe noted it was so cold that day there was snow outside!

To show those pesky scientists facts don't matter, Inhofe brought snow into the Senate and threw a snowball at the Senate's president. Oh, how the oil billionaires who fund Inhofe's delusional act laughed and laughed!

"If you look, you'll see God is still up there," Inhofe had said. But is God proud of Inhofe's ignorance and corruption?

Let's hope Founding Father Benjamin Franklin isn't looking down. After all, scientist egghead Franklin said, "God helps those who help themselves."

Prescient book cover graphic Nach der Sintflut by John Heartfield.

Heartfield inspired collage God Helps Those With Common Sense by his grandson, John J Heartfield

The Face Of Fascism 2015

The Face Of Fascism 2015

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on." Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump announcing his plans for a "Muslim Ban" on Dec. 8, 2015

Benito Mussolini prompted John Heartfield to create The Face Of Fascism 1928 when the Italian self-described Fascist said, "“I will change the face of Italy in the next 15 years so that no one will recognize it again.”

His grandson, John J Heartfield, created The Face Of Fascism 2015 when he heard Donald Trump's ugly words. Will Trump change the face of America?

Powerful Art Doesn’t Pivot!

Powerful Artists Fight Fake News. Reveal Art Is Real News

fight fake news heartfield modern progressive art items for sale

THE HEARTFIELD EXHIBITION SHOP offers a variety of exclusive beautifully crafted exclusive items including POSTERS, T-SHIRTS, and MUGS.The Heartfield Shop also offers items with images from artists in the REVEAL ART exhibit.

One powerful Reveal Art image is worth all the nonsense words we’ve heard the past three years. Say what you like, Donald Trump is a great salesman. Trump knew he had a product – anger. He conned many Americans into thinking that spouting anger and meaningless slogans equaled strength and resolve. Trump played off Endless Liberal Media Coverage, Fox News For-Profit Propaganda, Russian-Hacked Social Media, and Numbing Meaningless Polling.
We heard it again and again. Will Trump Pivot? Will he seem viable and reasonable days after uttering the ugliest, most divisive words a presidential candidate has spewed out from an uniformed unqualified brain in modern times?
He’s changed! He read a speech written by a political hack from a teleprompter!
Powerful Reveal Art Doesn’t Pivot! Reveal Artists uses “art as a weapon” to fight propaganda.
The Official John Heartfield Exhibition is A Powerful Art Museum.