Are you deeply concerned about the influence of big money on politicians and their political positions?
This image of a small politician with his hand out to the contributor who dominates him is a powerful as a ten thousand word article.
Swap in whatever politician and financier you choose.
Mega donors say, "I never receive anything when I make a political contribution."
Are politicians so dense that they don't know what their mega donors want?
Will mega donors step up with a huge contribution the next time if their candidates do not implement policies that favor their bottom line?
Swap in whatever politician and financier you choose.
The caption for this brutal image "Niemals weider!" (Never Again!) is a universal call for solutions leading to peace rather than acceptance of reasons that lead to war
My grandfather was a lifelong pacifist and a lover of the natural world.
Can words better convey a more forceful and clear call for world peace?
We don't often think about it.
Yet, we live every day with the threat that within minutes all life on earth could be wiped out.
There are decaying weapon's systems and sworn enemies doing everything possible to develop shiny new ones.
Rather than reigning in the danger, the snake continues to become larger, more powerful, and more difficult to control.
We all depend that justice will be applied in our lives without prejudice.
How can any of us ever feel truly safe if we believe the enforcement and prosecution will be unbalanced by bigotry and financial considerations?
John Heartfield's classic image of Lady Justice is a warning to all.
Powerful Art Isn’t Words On A Teleprompter.
Powerful Art Persists Long After The Daily Nonsense.