German Antiwar Art Masterpieces. Heartfield Famous Political Art Reveals Reasons As Well As Madness Behind Modern War.

Famous Political Art Magazines Antiwar Antifascist

Famous Antiwar Art Masterpieces

German antiwar art genius John Heartfield shows the ugly motives behind modern warfare for profit. Heartfield’s brilliant political collages remain as relevant today as when he created the art “as a weapon” to counter fascist propaganda and the madness of Adolf Hitler. It’s possible to count on one hand times when fascist dictators didn’t lead their countries into disastrous wars. Own these political posters. Display them to show your resistance to 21st-century fascism. Fascism leads always leads to suffering and death for millions. More German antiwar art masterpieces will be added, so please return to this page soon.


German Antiwar Art

German Antiwar Art "Never Again!"

One Vote Can Change History

One Vote Can Change History

Politicians Spout Junk For Gold

Politicians Spout Junk For Gold

German Antiwar Art of War Profiteers & Their Puppets

German Antiwar Art of War Profiteers & Their Puppets

A Beaten And Blind Lady Justice

A Beaten And Blind Lady Justice

German Antiwar War Masterpiece. War Doesn't Nourish.

German Antiwar War Masterpiece. War Doesn't Nourish.

Corruption Of The Youth

Corruption Of The Youth

Conflict From Religious Bigotry

Conflict From Religious Bigotry

German Antiwar Art. Atomic Weapons Must End

German Antiwar Art. Atomic Weapons Must End

Prophetic Vision Of Trump's Global Warming Politicies. Another Type of War.

Prophetic Vision Of Trump's Global Warming Politicies. Another Type of War.

German antiwar art masterpiece john heartfield Nach Der Sindflut
Upton Sinclair
Nach der Sintflut


John Heartfield Political Art Antiwar Masterpieces

John Heartfield’s genius was his ability to create a visual road map to the causes and so-called justifications for modern war. His collages (photo montages) for popular magazines inside Nazi Germany were a blow-by-blow description of the rise of fascism in the twentieth century. Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco were able to exploit political insanity that inevitably led to the devastating wars of the modern era.
It’s not difficult to understand why Heartfield’s famous photo montage for the cover of Upton Sinclair’s book Nach der Sintflut also appears on this page. For financial reasons, United States politicians are currently waging a war upon our planet. Denying the science of global warming is simply a tactic for these unethical politicians to continue to collect money from their big money donors and their financial base. The result will be droughts, famine, and human migration on a devastating scale. It may be humanity’s final war resulting from greed and ignorance.

German Antiwar Art Posters In Nazi Germany

Heartfield seemed unafraid to show his resistance to the insanity of Hitler’s march to war. His political art ripped away the propaganda of ignorance, political lies, and the financial support behind the Nazi war plans. He was beaten, thrown from a streetcar, and finally targeted for assassination. Nothing seemed to stop him. He shouted “swine, swine” repeatedly at a huge Nazi supporter demanding an apology as he smashed his fists into Heartfield’s face. The frail artist didn’t stop shouting “swine” until he was dragged away unconscious.
His supporters had some of his most potent antiwar masterpieces reproduced as posters. These posters were pasted on public surfaces throughout the city of Berlin. These posters were made possible by the painstaking printing process of “rotogravure.” Talented artisans, guided by Heartfield’s precise instructions, etched his work into many small recesses of intaglio copper cylinders. The ink was then transferred to a moving web of paper.
The messages of Heartfield’s political art masterpieces are as relevant today as they were when they were “art as a weapon” against those greedy for power, regardless of the cost. Still, politicians turn their supporters’ gold into speeches full of junk and hatred.

More Heartfield images will always be added.
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