MOMA Exhibition Brochure is the original ten-page brochure from the critically acclaimed 1993 Museum Of Modern Art Exhibition of camera-ready original John Heartfield maquettes.
Anthony Howard: On Censoring Heartfield is Mr. Howard’s London Diary article in the New Statesman documenting how the German government redacted swastikas from John Heartfield’s art in a Heartfield Exhibition in London in 1969.
Heartfield In England is Richard Carline’s delightful memoir of John Heartfield’s years in England. Mr. Carline writes of Jonny’s adventures and his sense of humor.
Heartfield In Context is an insightful article by art critic Maud Lavin for Art In America.
The Cutting Edge is an article about John Heartfield and Hannah Hoch by art critic Arthur Danto for Harper’s Bazarre.
More articles will be added soon. It’s unfortunate that the majority of articles about John Heartfield were written in, or before, 1993. That was the year of the a rare and enormously successful exhibition of Heartfield’s camera-ready original art in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
The curator encourages the The Heartfield Archiv, Akademie Der Künste, the organization tasked with preserving John Heartfield’s art and ephemera, to share the vast collection of John Heartfield art that is stored in the archive in Germany. Perhaps a gallery or similar showcase might be established where the public could view Heartfield’s artistic legacy. The courageous photomontage artist and graphic designer wanted so desperately to reach the public that he risked his life to do so.
John Heartfield would never want his art to be kept from the public in any way. That is the entire motivation behind The Official John Heartfield Exhibition and Archive.