Modern DADA, Dadaists, Dada Events, San Francisco, November 2016
Mario Purkathofer in his alter ego as "Gurkenhofer Benny Adolf" performing Dada at SWISSNEX, DADA WORLD FAIR 2016 The SWISSNEX Event during DADA WORLD FAIR 2016 was a celebration of life and art. Mario Purkathofer's Dada performance art joyfully celebrates the absurdity of life. Art Doesn't Pivot! Brief tour of SWISSNEX Dada event featuring modern Dada artists with contemporary Dada art. SWISSNEX co-sponsored the DADA WORLD FAIR in San Franscisco with the City Lights Bookstore. Obviously, you can't tell your Dada without a Dada Handbook. SWISSNEX, DADA WORLD FAIR 2016. The always impeccably dressed for the occasion Sophie and Adrian discourage the paparazzi at SWISSNEX, DADA WORLD FAIR 2016. Adrian Notz is the director of Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, Switzerland. Cabaret Voltaire is place to go in Zurich. John J Heartfield, the grandson of Dada & Political Art Giant John Heartfield, gives a talk on Politics & Art, Art & Politics to a standing room only crowd in San Francisco's Collage Museum during DADA WORLD FAIR 2016. John J Heartfield and Peter Maravelis share a cocktail to celebrate the enormous success of DADA WORLD FAIR 2016. Peter is the hardworking events programmer at San Francisco's famous City Lights Bookstore. Peter was the man behind a seamless organization of many Dada events. City Lights Bookstore co-sponsored DADA WORLD FAIR 2016 with the equally hardworking team at SWISSNEX. John, Yuri, and Adrian get together outside San Francisco's City Lights Bookstore. Punk Art Surrealist Winston Smith and John J Heartfield discover how much they have in common inside the Collage Museum in San Francisco. The goal of the Collage Museum is to showcase local, national and international artists who work in the medium of collage, photo-montage, assemblage and related disciplines. Speakers at the Goethe Institut presented talks on the life and work of the twentieth century Dadaists. California College of the Arts professor Maria Makela gave a particularly fascinating talk on Kurt Schwitters and how the lack of materials affected art and society in post World War I Germany.Modern Dada Artist Mario Purkathofer
DADA WORLD FAIR Fun With Mario Purkathofer At SWISSNEX Event
John Heartfield's grandson touring the DADA WORLD FAIR SWISSNEX Event 2016
(L-R) Yuri Steiner, Sophie Suberbere
(L-R) Sophie Suberbere, Adrian Notz
Put Up Your Hand!
(L-R) John J Heartfield, Peter Maravelis
(L-R) John J Heartfield, Yuri Steiner, Adrian Notz
(L-R) Winston Smith, John J Heartfeld
The Goethe Institut, DADA WORLD FAIR 2016
Modern Dada came to San Francisco in November 2016. Then something truly extraordinary occurred. You may be thinking about it was the election of an unfit pathological lying narcissist to the highest office in the United States. But you’d be wrong.
I’m referring to the November 2016 event that was a celebration of life. The DADA WORLD FAIR in San Francisco was where the Dadaists of the 20th century were celebrated and modern Dadaists emerged to awe, applause, and laughter.
DADA WORLD FAIR was a gathering where acquaintances became friends and friends became even closer.
The DADA WORLD FAIR helped the curator of The Official John Heartfield Exhibition realize a new type of art movement was needed. He named the movement REVEAL ART. REVEAL ART artists use “Art As A Weapon” to reveal the truth behind ignorant and ugly propaganda. REVEAL ART doesn’t pivot from day-to-day. REVEAL ART doesn’t contain messages of bigotry and racism one day, then be described as reasonable the next.
The work of REVEAL ART artists conveys visual messages to the viewer. Many REVEAL ART artists are exploring innovative mixed media techniques just as the Dada artists before them.
A huge expression of gratitude is owed to Peter Maravelis of San Francisco’s Famous City Lights Bookstore and an extraordinary team of talent from SWISSNEX for organizing the stunningly successful gathering of art and ideas at the DADA WORLD FAIR, San Francisco, November 1st to the 13th, 2016.