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Modern Art As A Weapon Against Alternate Facts, Ignorance, & Bigotry.
Art Exploring Evolving Media & New Techniques.

IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT INFO: All art, images, and work in the Reveal Art Exhibit are courtesy of and copyrighted by the credited artist. Such art, images, and work may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written consent of the credited artist. Please write directly to the credited artist on their associated websites to learn more about copyright permission. If a website is not shown, please contact this exhibition’s curator. He will pass on your request to the credited artist.

One Hand Modern Art Reveals The Facts

The artist John Heartfield wanted his artwork to be readily available to as many people as possible. He would have loved the Internet. His art was much more than masterpieces of imagination and technique. They were warnings. The consistent message that runs through his work is authoritarians and war can never be solutions to issues that face humanity. Voting for dictators who claim they alone can fix a nation’s issues is madness.

We must resist, and John Heartfield believed the most effective form of resistance was quickly answering lies with facts, hatred with humor, and conspiracies with common sense.

Art in the One Hand Art exhibit is more than political. “One Hand” artists find inspiration in the life and work of John Heartfield. They want to expose the alternate facts of Trumpism and politicians who support his American con game. His voters protest they are fighting for their freedom. Perhaps some can be persuaded that fascist tactics like streams of lies, voter suppression, and unconditional loyalty to individuals for political gain are the quickest way to lose the freedom to question, choose, and create.

Artists in this exhibition play on modern culture, often using techniques that take full advantage of our ever-evolving technology. In a real sense, these artists reveal that the division and out-of-control greed that led to the rise of fascism in the twentieth century still remain very much with us today.

The One Hand Art exhibit is about the same kind of humor and revelations found in most of John Heartfield’s work.

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