Süße Ink( Sweet Ink )

Weimar Republic Graphic Design john heartfield political collage Kurt Tucholsky Sweet Ink

Sweet Ink


anti-fascist trump protest t-shirts trump protest posters trump protest mugs

Donald Trump’s “Sweet Ink”

The montage and its caption might be seen as somewhat sexist at first glance. Heartfield inserts a woman’s leg into an ink bottle to make “sweet ink.” However, the opposite is true. Heartfield is commenting that “sexy news” distracts the public from important political and social issues.

Consider the amount of news coverage of Donald Trump’s comments about his behavior around women. Also, his alleged treatment of female business associates. His words and actions seemed to make Trump a less than ideal choice for president of the United States. However, those news reports also helped to minimize his comments on race and his associations with white nationalist hate groups. It allowed his supporters to forget that he had no governing experience. They glossed over the fact Trump was totally unqualified to be president.

Trump won the popular vote of white women even though his words and his actions towards women would have revealed any other candidate to be unfit to serve. Women who voted for Trump focused more on his claim that he would be the most powerful force against terrorism. White women voters seemed willing to overlook his misogynist behavior because of “sweet ink.”