Illustration zu Grimm - Märchen von der Katze und der Maus

(Illustration for Grimm - Fairy Tale of the Cat and the Mouse)

Heartfield's Illustration For Grimm

Illustration zu Grimm - Märchen von der Katze und der Maus


[link id="1993" attr_rel="heartfield-montage" attr_itemprop="AIZ"]AIZ[/link]
(Arbeiter–Illustrierte–Zeitung renamed Volks-Illustrierte )

March 2, 1938

Prague, Czechoslovakia

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Curator's Comment:

This montage is listed under Heartfield's art for the AIZ. However in 1936, AIZ was renamed Die Volks Illlustriete.

On February 12, 1938, Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg's was "invited" to Berchtesgaden. Hitler forced him to accept Arthur Seys-Inquart in as Austrian minister for home affairs.

At the same time, the fuhrer demanded amnesty for all Austrian Nazis. By March 11, 1938, German troops are marched into Austria.

See the story of Grimm's Fairy Tale below.